Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Time to start again

Hello again.

It has been a long time...
My englich is better and my estonian is worse so it´s only normal to start again.

About my life in those last years.
Pretty much the same  - Azores,work, family children, now three of them.Growing and having fun.
So from outside we are the same. At the same time we are changing. We are older, ganed some more weight and maybe wisdom.
I am more azorian then ever, finally i have accepted that this is my home , this is where I belong and I love this place. I have learned to love myself and to live with myself, still learnig dicipline myself.
This will be my jorney, together with those who I love. So if you feel like, I invite you to be part of it. Just from time to time.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Today i received a nine years old compliment. It is ; somebody told me something what they were thinking about me at this time. Sweet and warm, even more sweet considering that at this time I was not thinking much about myself.  And after this time you don't look for a reason anymore but accept, that maybe at this time it really was like this. It made me smile and made me to look trough the other not so nice things on this day.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sorry, we are late.

Last times I have been late to everywhere with totally stupid reasons.
First time was, when I was supposed to go to my companies Christmas party. Everything was OK and we were ready to sit to the car, when behind our garden door appeared female German shepherd.  It was standing there and watching to Pluto and refused to go away, despite of everything what we could do.  Pluto in the other hand was watching to her and to us, like saying:  what are you waiting for, can´t you see, I have a visitor. Open this damn door.
Only problem was, that we have chickens, and one of them was out of their area, and our guest dog pulled out few feathers of its wing, before we arrived there.  In Pluto’s opinion, she was allowed to do anything as long as she is female.
So we had no other alternative as to go and ask from one of the neighbors, if their dog is lost, as they have female German shepherd. Of course they were not at home.
 I and Paulo were in the middle of inventing some good dog scaring or dog imprisoning system, when neighbors were arriving.  After all, it was their dog, and they came to pick it and took it away, but by this time we were already late.
Second time was when I and Laura had appointment with dentist.  We were not late (yet), but already in a hurry.  In the last street of our village, we met a boy.  Standing on the sidewalk, two or three years old and totally naked.  As there are some houses, we were thinking at first, that boy is just in front of his house.  Suddenly, just in front of our car, boy stepped to the road and starched his hands out. Paulo managed to maneuver with the car and not hit him, luckily speed was already minimal.  We both were watching to each other and decided, that we can´t let the boy there.  I stepped out from the car, squat in front of him, and asked – where is your mother? Boy waved in some direction, told me as well- grandmother -and waved on other direction.  I was thinking a bit. In one hand clock was ticking in my head, in other hand, I could not leave the boy there. I was even thinking to put the boy to the car, but his bottom was somehow brown and looked like something, what should be wiped.  So I put myself in front of the boy and asked: Where is your mother?", boy was showing in some direction, then he was thinking a bit, said " grandmother" and showed in some other direction.  Brake from both of us, and then I asked again; " Where is your home?"  This time boy was showing in direction if an alley. I took his hand and we started to walk. Arrived to last house, boy was slipping himself through one hole to the backyard and started to talk with the dog.  I rang a doorbell, nobody answered.  By this time Paulo already arrived with the car and started to talk with neighbours. Suddenly boy said " Mother", showed with hand and run to the street, in direction of one woman. Senhora was young and was pushing a baby carrier, Paulo and boy reached her at the same time. Paulo was explaining to her, that we almost hit her child, she was watching us, watching a boy, asked " what are you doing here" grabbed his hand, and together they walked away.  We were staying there and watching.

And of course, I was late again.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Laura’s fear of bugs is getting much better.  Before she could not enter the room, when there was dead fly on the floor, or go to bathroom because she was afraid of spiders.
Yesterday she was appearing to the kitchen, saying, there is a centipede on the wall, and crabbing a broom. She was going back to the corridor, tried to hold broom from very last end and hit the bug.  Then she still had to run away, because centipede was not dead, but fell down from the wall and started to walk in her direction.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Women on the wheel.

It looks like I'm reading to much news. Here is one more (scroll down)

I already have heard, that from the moment when baby pill was invented, world was ruined. Women were gaining more independency, could decide when and from whom they want to have chidren. From there was starting sexual revolution, emancipation. . . followed by all the other kind of problems what we are facing today.
Now it comes out, that everything started already much earlier, from the moment when first woman was sitting behind the wheel of car.

So in this light, are you shure that you want me to drive?

Monday, November 28, 2011


Because of my work, I have some contact with Maltese. I used to have impression, that they know Estonia only because of the Erovision. During my visit there, it was the only comment about the Estonia. Yesterday I received this:
It looks like now they know a bit more about my country. Unfortunately I´m not so sure, if this is the information what I would like them to know.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Just like some time ago. I can not write about us without half of us understanding it. But at the same time we have quite many friends who are not speaking Portuguese as well. English is something like "Küla keset kirikut" (Estonian expression - church in the mittle of  the village = everybody happy)
So from here is starting my second try to keep two blogs. Long live to me I hope.